Lucien Dalsace-搜索结果

  • 卢浮魅影 Belphégor


    导演:亨利·德斯封丹   编剧:Arthur Bernède

    主演:勒内·纳瓦尔, Elmire Vautier, Lucien Dalsace, Michèle Verly, Genica Missirio, Jeanne Brindeau, 艾丽斯·蒂索, Albert

      After becoming the name of a heavy metal group,"Belphegor" was first a silent movie,then a sensational miniseries in the sixties ,and was remade in a "modern way" a few years back.
      "Belphegor" seemed to come too late in 1927. The serial boom long over (Feuillade's works such as "Les Vampires" "Judex...